Propane Cannon Use - Right to Farm Policy

June, 2022

Habituation to the use of bird scare devices can make them less effective.   Planning for a diversity of tactics is the best defense.  

Best Practises recommends 3 different tools.   Written records of you bird scare tactics is very important if you ever have to respond to a neighbour’s noise complaint.  A donation to the Starling Control Program is a valid bird predation tool.   


For all noise scaring devices (e.g. sound pistols, stationary automated bird distress call devices, propane cannons): 

  • one half hour before sunrise and 7:00 p.m. local time or dusk;  reserve early morning device use for the heaviest bird pressure 
  • locate the device in a manner to minimize the impact on surrounding residences while maintaining bird control effectiveness 
  • establish a local monitor person for each farm where the owner/operator does not live within hearing range of the farm where devices are used 
  • attach or write a contact phone number of any stationary device.

For propane cannons: 

  • no more than one device per two hectares 
  • no more than one firing per 5 minutes for single shot devices and no more than 11 activations or maximum of 33 shots in any hour for a multiple shot device   

For other automated bird distress call devices:

  • an intermittent basis so that the sound is not continuous.  

See the attached document for more information.   

Contact BCGA

Post Office Box 1138,
Penticton, BC, V2A 6J9
EMAIL: contact form
PHONE: 1 877 762 4652