The Okanagan Similkameen starling control program is requesting donations of $10 per planted acre from all Okanagan Similkameen agricultural producers.

The European starling has been ranked among North America’s 100 most invasive species. Not only are these birds one of the most damaging forces facing agriculture today, they also are ecologically destructive, forcing native birds from their nests and destroying their eggs. The control program effectively reduces populations throughout the year and particularly the summer populations of the juveniles.

Local governments already fund over 50% of the program’s cost — a strong financial commitment from all agricultural producers is necessary to maintain these contributions. The onus is on all growers to assume more responsibility. If the program can be maintained, or expanded, we all stand to benefit.

Help us prevent this program from shrinking! Please send in your donation. All money goes directly into the trapping program budget. Thank you in advance for your support.

Contact BCGA

Post Office Box 1138,
Penticton, BC, V2A 6J9
EMAIL: contact form
PHONE: 1 877 762 4652